These are works in progress during covid19, though I've gathered objects and materials for 40 years.
The process of working has been a huge comfort during this time of being at home, not leaving for anything but essentials, wearing masks and physical distancing.
I think of these as homages to people in the vast diverse human population. some are alters others are temples. This work reflects The idea that everything is sacred. Finding the sacred in the mundane. Treasures in the discarded.
There were many days that I could't work at all, feelings and old patterns of thinking kept me stuck. I couldn't have kept returning to this work without my friends, particularly other women artists. Also seeing art made by others. The creativity of people during covid 19 gave me hope.
That I have even allowed myself to work at this is my testament to hope, for life, for myself, for my loved ones. It has allowed me to grieve losses and shed tears over those lost through violence and hatred. Many days I didn't do anything in the "art Studio" then other times working non-stop from evening until 3:30am, which would mess up other aspects of my life. I've needed naps from lack of sleep.



in progress
from covid journal