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Monday, February 27, 2012

Performance and childrens book

Art Updates
Not much progress on art projects or work on Incantations Part II, eventually combining Incantations into a one hour, festival, touring ready solo-show. Part two is more movement, dance-like- voice over soundtrack, silence and music are possibilities.Was so inspired by the choreographer Pina Bausch, follow link to a masterful 3D film dedicated to her work - is her students dancing, telling about their creative journeys with her....  by brilliant filmmaker Wim Wenders.
Another project I'm working on is a Children's book about Imagining, those of you who made the solo show last July understand how this consistent with creative process in my performance work.
                                           This is a small copy of one illustration.
I remember being a kid and certain illustrations gave me so much joy and inspiration- I want my picture book to be like that and I want it to do the same for adults too. It will be images that celebrate the journeys we go on in our imaginations.  I still go on these journeys, and I believe it is where so much strength and energy comes from and why I feel "young", have "vitality" and continue to be creative in other areas of life.

Your imagination is your preview of life's coming attractions."

In my life and work lately I see the effects when a society that celebrates knowledge and minimizes the importance of creativity - minimizes Dance and physical expression and encourages "sitting still" but, that's  another whole blog or two - Education and Creativity . Creativity and Aging.

When readers open my picture-book, I want them to be charmed into the moment, experience the picture and go to these places in their own imaginations. 

I encourage and welcome comments - such as telling me  about your favorite illustrations in books you read as a child - or now ......enjoy remembering them .